Testing from your browser

You can easily test most functions using your browser with URL's like those explained below.

These are just some examples, for the full syntax and details consult the REST API here

  1. Introduction

    Unit4 Access Point test environment for uploading and viewing messages is available at : https://ap-test.unit4.com/

    Within test environment user can:

    • Upload invoices
    • View inbox
    • Mark inbox messages as read
    • View outbox
    • View all messages (inbox/outbox)
    • Search for messages using search parameters
    • Perform SMP lookup
  2. Uploading invoices (POST)

    To upload an invoice via web browser go to: https://ap-test.unit4.com/upload/upload.do

    Picture of submit form

    If test user uploads a document specifying his/her own participant id as receiver, the test environment will create corresponding incoming message available at /inbox resource.

  3. Listing inbox (GET):

    Unread messages can be viewed at: https://ap-test.unit4.com/inbox

    When retrieving inbox only first 25 messages are retrieved. To retrieve next page (further 25 messages) previous ones need to be marked as read.

  4. Listing outbox (GET):

    Messages that have been uploaded but have not yet been sent are available at: https://ap-test.unit4.com/outbox

    Uploaded messages will no longer be available at outbox once sent but will still available at messages resource.

  5. Listing Messages (GET): (IN and OUT)

    All messages (inbound, outboud, sent, not sent, read and unread) are always available at this location: https://ap-test.unit4.com/messages

    When accessing messages only 25 records will be retrieved. If there are more than 25 messages a navigation element will provide links to previous and next page.

    E.g. Accessing third page (https://ap-test.unit4.com/messages?index=3) will result in below output.

  6. Retrieving single message: (inbox/{mgsNo) / outbox/{mgsNo) /messages/{mgsNo))

    Single message can be accessed by specifying msgNo after resource name.

    If message with given number doesn't exist, 204 code will be returned.

  7. Retrieving xml document (GET):

    To download received document, use the <self> link from message output,
    e.g. https://ap-test.unit4.com/messages/8546/xml-document

    If message with given number doesn't exist, 204 code will be returned.

  8. Marking message as read (POST):

    To mark message as read and make it no longer appear in inbox, POST is required at:

    Message will still be accessible in /messages resource.
    Valid response will return xml containing updated message.

  9. Searching messages (GET):

    /messages resource result can be filtered by applying optional search parameters.

    Valid parameters are:

    • sent - limit by date; format: <condition><date>
    • condition is one of <, >, =, <=, >=
    • date must be in date format "yyyy-mm-dd"
    • direction - "IN" for incoming messages, "OUT" for sent ones
    • receiver - must be in format <country>:<organization number>, e.g. 0192:976098897
    • sender - must be in format <country>:<organization number>, e.g. 0192:976098897

    Valid search URI example: https://ap-test.unit4.com/messages?sent='<=2012-02-30'&sender='0192:976098897'&receiver='0192:976098897'&direction=IN

  10. SMP lookup (GET):

    To check whether given legal entity is registered within PEPPOL network use below resource:

    <participant-id> in format <country>:<organization number>, e.g. 0192:976098897

    If specified participant is registered in the PEPPOL network the response will contain status code 200 (OK) with empty message body, 204 (NO_CONTENT) otherwise.

    To check what document types are accepted by given recipient add document type at the end of url:


    Valid values for <document_type> are: Invoice, CreditNote and Order

    Example response:

    Note that test environment will always return same result for any valid ParticipantId and any document type while production environment will return actual SMP lookup response.